GTYPRO 15 Piece Bike Tool Kit – Bicycle Repair Tool Box Compatible Mountain/Road Bike Maintenance Tool Set with Storage Case
* 1x sprocket removal tool 7-8-9-10-11 speed (chain whip)
* 1x bottom bracket cup tool for Shimano Hollowtech II cranksets
* 1x chainring bolt tool/key for integrated crank extractor
* 2x tyre levers
* 1x 8mm allen key with 1/2” adapter for tools with 1/2” fitting
* 1x 1/2″ adapter for tools with 1/2″ fitting
* 1x 1/2″ sprocket removal tool with24mm key fitting,incl. guide pin
* 1x crank installation tool forHollowtech ll crankset
* 3x Spoke wrench with followingopenings: 3.2/3.3/3.5mm
* 1x Crank exractor for ISlS, squareand Octalink cranks
* 1x 1/2″ bottom bracket tool with24mm key fitting for ISIS and Shimano,square and Octalink cranks
* 1x Chain tool with rivet tip suitable for 7/8/9/10- speed, chains and Shimano 11-speed, incl. 9-speed replacement rivet tip in the screw