GTYPRO Renault Car Petrol Diesel Engine Timing Tool Kit Set
Category: Auto Repair Tools
Renault Car Engine Timing Tool Kit Set Clio Megane Laguna 1.4 1.6 16V UK
Package Include
Crankshaft locking pin
8mm TDC timing pin
Camshaft setting tool
Camshaft pulley alignment tool
This kit is used for enabling the correct engine timing on Renault K4J, K4M & F4P, F4R engines when changing the timing belt.
The camshaft pulley setting tool holds two pulleys in place whilst changing the cam belt. Bolted to the centre of the cams using
the existing bolts.
Clio, Laguna, Megane 1.4/1.6 16v
K4J, K4M & F4P, F4R engines